Develop The Skills Through Training Necessary to CCW

Concealed Carry Weapon

Responsible Safe Operators LTD provides the tools to operate your firearm responsibly and safely. You will receive professional training and the knowledge and skills to conceal and carry your firearm in your licensed state.

Our Services

NRA Basic Classes

  • Basics of Pistol Shooting


  • Gun Safety Seminar

  • NRA Frist Steps Pistol Orientation

  • Women On Target

  • New York State 18/HR

  • NJ Permit to Carry

Non-NRA Certified Classes


Devory Pugh has been a licensed NRA instructor since 2022. He is passionate about educating others, introducing firearm safety, promoting ownership, and reshaping the negative misconceptions surrounding firearms.

Devory formed Responsible Safe Operators LTD in 2024. The company focuses on serving diverse individuals interested in responsible firearm handling. “Our target audiences include urban professionals, women seeking empowerment, security personnel, recreational shooters, and new gun owners. Each group has distinct needs and expectations, which our specialized training programs address.”